Rutgers Business of Fashion fostered student’s entrepreneurial dreams

Fashion designer Justin Farnham lacked any business background when he applied to the Rutgers Business School Master of Science in Business of Fashion Program. What the Parsons School of Design graduate did have was several years of industry experience and a vision for his own menswear line.

NYT - Discovering ‘This Was a Forever Romance’ Tim Murray in custom suit made by Justin Farnham

Mr. Murray wore a light blue double-breasted suit with pinstripe rhinestones designed by Justin Farnham. “I told him I wanted to look like Nicole Kidman in the AMC commercials,” Mr. Murray said.

USED Magazine - Kris & Kries by Andrew Makadsi

Kris & Kreis is an impressive short film by Andrew Makadsi captured for the latest edition of USED magazine featuring clothing designed by Justin Farnham worn by models Tyler Bower and Chantsler Underwood.